In 2014, the City of West Covina began the process of a Focused General Plan Update. Last updated in 1985, the existing General Plan was outdated and ill-suited to meeting current issues and needs. West Covina is largely built out. A focused update allowed the City to use its limited resources strategically, and to direct growth to areas where development is desired and infrastructure is already present, while protecting stable areas.
The allocation of separate land use designations evolved to a geography of places that began by addressing “form and character” of West Covina. The West Covina General Plan informs the nature of intended change in different areas. The stable areas are preserved and maintained, and areas where redevelopment is desired to occur are programmed for regeneration. Growth is redirected to the walkable and bikeable downtown area and corridors in need of reinvestment where viable transportation infrastructure is already in place. This approach integrates land use and mobility policies, regulations, and the techniques to implement the community vision for areas of change.